NG Media welcomes contributions from all communities, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous, and encourages engaging discussion about NG Media content and issues that affect our communities. NG Media expects all participants to treat each other with respect and courtesy.
By using or participating in NG Media’s website and online media, including but not limited to NG Media’s Facebook or NG Medias’s Twitter pages, all participants are deemed to have agreed to, and are bound by, these Terms of Use. A reference to the ‘NG Media website’ includes all NG Media online media on any platform.
NG Media does not endorse the views or materials contained in the user’s contributions or warrant the accuracy of any material published.
All users must ensure and adhere to the following terms:
- Do not be abusive, harass or threaten others;
- Do not impersonate or falsely represent any other person or company;
- Do not make defamatory comments;
- Do not post insulting, provocative or hateful language or material;
- Do not post obscene, offensive or discriminatory language or material;
- Do not post material on the forum that infringes the intellectual property rights of others or breaches their confidential information;
- Respect Indigenous cultural intellectual property rights; and
- Comply with all applicable laws
NG Media reserves the right to decline any registration that NG Media suspects is being made by or on behalf of a member who has been suspended for violation of these Terms of Use.
All children’s contributions and use of the website should be supervised by an adult. Any images of children should be approved by the child’s parent or guardian for distribution on the website.
Material published on the website is protected under the copyright laws of Australia and is not in the public domain. The right to copy material remains with the copyright owner. Unless expressly stated, you are not permitted to copy or republish any material that you find on the internet without the copyright owner’s permission. If you wish to publish someone else’s material, you will need to get permission and you will also need to credit the creator of that material.
When you contribute your own original material to this website, you will own all rights in that material including copyright, however, you give NG Media the right to reproduce and use that material in all media in perpetuity and in whatever way NG Media chooses to. If NG Media needs to edit the material, you agree to consent to an infringement of your moral rights including your right of integrity and right of attribution.
NG Media is not responsible for, and does not endorse, the content on any linked or referenced external sites.
NG Media reserves the right to remove any user-posted links, embedded or other external materials at NG Media’s own discretion.
NG Media encourages the respect of, and consultation with, cultural custodians regarding their Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP).
If there are any images, artistic works, video clips, stories, songs, designs or any other tangible information published on the NG Media website that contain ICIP, then the participant must obtain consent from the appropriate cultural custodians of that Indigenous community before publishing the material online.
The user needs to be able to show that the appropriate consent has been obtained as NG Media may request evidence of permission. In addition, users are responsible for:
- Respecting and upholding the cultural integrity of the materials;
- Not including material that is secret or sacred; and
- Ensuring compliance with deceased persons protocols.
- All participants must respect these ICIP principles as users of the website.
Users will respect the privacy of others, protect their own privacy and comply with all applicable privacy laws. It is recommended that users do not reveal personal information such as their address or phone number.
NG Media collects name and email information if you choose to sign up for our Newsletter.
We also collect information about browsing activity on our website.
We do not provide information to 3rd parties except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our logs.
We only use your personal information for the purposes for which you gave it to us.
We do not share information about you with other businesses, government agencies or persons without your permission unless it:
- is required or authorised by law; or
- will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody’s health.
You may opt out of any further contact from us either by contacting us directly, or in the case of our Newsletter by selecting the Unsubcribe link at the bottom of the emailed Newsletter.
To protect your privacy and the privacy of others, we may have to gain evidence of your identity before we can give you access to information about you or change it.
The NG Media website uses “cookies” to help gather statistical information. A cookie is a message given to your web browser by a web server that is stored on your computer’s hard drive. Most web browsers can be configured to reject cookies.
If NG Media holds any of your personal information, we will provide you with access to the information unless there are grounds under the Privacy Act for not doing so. To request access, send us an e-mail indicating as far as possible: the type of personal information that you want, when it may have been collected and the purpose for which it was collected.
On your request, we will take reasonable steps to amend any personal information that is inaccurate, irrelevant, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading.
We may refuse your request to access or amend your personal information. However, we will provide you with a reason for our decision. If we refuse an amendment requested by you, we will place a note with your personal information indicating the amendment you have sought.
If you have any concerns about our protection of your privacy, please contact us. We do not accept liability for any information or links posted to our website, however we will investigate all complaints.
All users are responsible for their own contributions and indemnify NG Media against any loss, damage, cost or expense suffered by NG Media as a result of any contributions or failure to comply with these terms. User participation on the NG Media website is at their own risk and to the maximum extent permitted by law, NG Media excludes all liability for any loss or damage suffered by a user.
Where a user breaches these terms, NG Media reserves the right to take such action as it feels is necessary, including contacting the user’s ISP, or taking steps to block the user’s access to the NG Media website.
These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Australia. No delay in exercising a right by NG Media shall be considered a waiver of that right. If any part of these Terms of Use is held to be illegal or unenforceable by a court of law, that part will be read down by NG Media to the extent necessary to make it legal and enforceable or if this is not possible, that part will be severed from the Terms of Use with all other parts remaining in full force and effect. All users use of material on the NG Media website is at their own risk and NG Media reserves the right to change these Terms of Use from time to time.