NG Media


NG Media is an equal opportunity employer, and strive to give opportunity to all Yarnangu People who show a desire to learn and become part of the NG Media team.

Currently NG Media employs 35 Yarnangu full time staff, and across the year we employ and work with over 200 Yarnangu across the Ngaanyatjarra Lands on projects and festivals.

If you are interested in working with NG Media – either full time or on a project basis, give us a call and let us know what you’re interested in.

NG Media provides on the job training for all our workers and encourage you to get involved and learn a new skill.

Whether Film, Television, Music, Radio, or Community Media Centre Management, we may have a place for you.

Please contact us for more information.

NG Media, we are the voice of the Yarnangu.

The pulse of the Yarnangu,
be part of it!